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What Is The Most Common Dental Problems?

Common Dental Problems | Tower House Dental Clinic

Are you having dental issues? Are you having sleepless nights because of your toothache? There are many dentist, Isle of Wight. However, it becomes difficult to find the right dental clinic with the right dental surgeons. Of course, you cannot lend your teeth into someone’s hand who has little knowledge and experience in dentistry. It is important that the dental surgeon that you selected, should have complete knowledge of dentistry so that they can diagnose the right dental problem and provide the necessary treatment for the same. In this article, you will get to know what are the common dental problems and what are the preferable common dental treatments for the same.

Common Dental Problems

Here is a list of some of the most common dental problems that are complained about by patients whenever they visit the dentist Isle Of Wight. You can visit your nearest dentist and get yourself a dental check-up done and allow the dentist to diagnose all the dental problems that are present in your mouth.


There can be many reasons for this. The most common reason to take it can be tooth decay involving the deepest parts of the tooth which are the pulp. Chronically infected tooth in which the infection spreads to the periapical region. Pain can also be due to trauma or sudden glow to any teeth. Pain can also be a sign when a tooth erupts into the oral cavity. Toothache can be relieved by treating the tooth of concern either with a root canal or removing it permanently


Patients usually complain of blackish discoloration of tooth decay that may sometimes even cause food lodgement in the area of concern in severe cases. Tooth cavities can be cleaned and restored with a tooth-colored restorative material that is GIC or composite.


A tooth may go for extraction if it is severely decayed, fractured, mobile, or is involved with swelling along with loss of structure. In such cases, a tooth is advised for extraction. Teeth may also be extracted for orthodontic reasons or if they are impacted.

Surgical extractions

Wisdom tooth extraction may undergo a minor surgical procedure in cases where the tooth is impacted either mesially distally, horizontally, or vertically.

Aesthetic corrections

Dentist also provides aesthetic corrections like for example mal alignment or crooked teeth, spaces between the teeth deep bite across the bite present. Most of these cases can be solved with an orthodontic approach either with braces or aligners. In minor cases, these can be corrected with composite or veneers.

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Missing or fractured teeth

Missing our fractured teeth can also be restored to normal functioning. Missing teeth can either be corrected with artificial processes taking support of the adjacent teeth called the bridge or with dental implants without having to touch the adjacent natural teeth. Fractured teeth can also be replaced to structure and function by treating the tooth and covering it with a cap or a crown or in multiple cases with a bridge. In case of complete or partial anodontia patience may also be advised to go for complete or partial dentures


These are a few of the dental treatments that are provided by the dentist, Isle of Wight. If you or others around you are suffering from any of the abomination issues visit your nearest dentist and get all your problem solved.

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